For God so loved the world...   John 3:16


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Let Your Light Shine
Matthew 5:15 – 16 NIV

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.


There is a room in my house that is dark, so I went to the store and got a lamp. I found a lamp that was perfect and fit the décor of the room. Everyone thought it was a beautiful lamp, but when night came the room was still dark and no one could see anything, especially the lamp. I had an old light bulb. So I put it in the lamp, but there still was no light! I discovered that the filament in the light bulb was broken and did not work. A man came to the door and said that he had a new light bulb and could he come in and put it in the lamp. It was free and all I had to do was to accept it. I said yes, and he came in and put the new light bulb in my lamp. Still no light! He said that the lamp needed to be connected to a power source and he plugged the cord into an electrical outlet. Still no light! He said that I needed to turn on the switch on the lamp, so I did. And now there was light! It filled the whole room and everyone could see everything in the room.

A simple story, but it has an important meaning to our life. You see, we are the lamp (body). We spend a lot of time and money making it look good. And that’s OK, but it’s not doing what we were made to do. We were made to bring light into the world. The old light bulb(our old nature) in the lamp (body) is our Soul (our Life) and the filament inside the light bulb is our Spirit. But it is broken and does not do what it was meant to do. Give Light! The Man at the door is JESUS and HE came to give us a new light bulb (A New Nature). All we needed to do is accept it. He is the One who paid for it! When we accept it, we are given this New Life (born again). But in order to be what we were meant to be, we must be connected to the power source (GOD). That’s the work of the Holy Spirit. He is our connection (the cord) to the power source (GOD).

The key word in the verses above is LET. The Greek word used here is HYMON and it means to "Let Your" or to "Allow Your." The Hebrew word for LET is HAWYAW which means "To Be, Become, Exist." We are to LET our Light (JESUS is Our Light) shine before others. We are the lamp, the tool which GOD uses to let HIS LIGHT shine before others. We are not to hide it. We need our lamp shade to be transparent, meaning that we need to be open, so that the Light shines forth for everyone to see.

One other thing to remember is that GOD has given us a Free Will (the switch on the lamp). We have the ability to turn on and off the Light. He wants to shine through us, but we have to LET (Allow) Him! As we trust in Him and allow Him to be in control of our life, the Light will be on and others will see the good deeds in us and give Glory to GOD.

Selah –pause and think about this. To HIM be the honor and glory - Amen


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